Meet my new space
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So, first views of the new workshop. I'm calling it the "workshop" and not a studio for complicated reasons. Two years treading water has taken its toll.
Re varnishing the work table seemed like a good intentions type of job in the new space.
This is looking towards the front of the property however the external shutters are down.
Two big windows at the back were the big appeal. Morning light is very lovely in this space and I imagine most of the activity will gravitate to this area.
To say I'm delighted to have a cast iron spiral staircase is a gross understatment. It does need some fairly major tlc, so once the floor is replaced the upper banister rails and top step will be replaced and realigned.
On the ground floor it is fairly roughly concrete in places. My mop has not appreciated cleaning this floor. The dirt was so dry it was hydrophobic, any drops of water that spilled instantly balled up and just sat there.
The back door is fairly rudimentary, in time it will be changed to let some light in.
I'm hacking away the plaster board at the back of the stairs, this is to enable use of the hand rail ! It is interesting to see the previous layers and I am trying hard not to get too carried away with ripping it all out.
The back elevation is not pretty. Hopefully in time I can restore some dignity to this building.
The front was started by the previous tennant and never finished. I am grateful they installed an electric shutter but less so of the bodge job of the front window.
I look out the front onto a busy road, it is noisy and busy! The unfinished front and badly fitting front door (it is NOT staying) are not helping the noise issue. However the space is generous, it is close to home. I can walk, cycle, train or if I'm desperate get a bus here. So many plus points in its favour that I'm sure that the traffic will become back ground.
I'm quitely hopeful about this new chapter, this new beginning.